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The Math_Hall map inside the Content Examples project aims to give you more of an understanding of how math is used within Unreal Engine 4 inside of Blueprints and Materials.

The first section entitled Functions, covers Math and Material Functions (left side of the wall) and example usage cases (right side of the wall). This section is excellent for learning more about blending Materials as well as how logic can be applied to Materials to create events like rippling water or bouncing balls entirely inside the Material Editor.

The second section covers Vector Math and describes the various types of Vectors and how they are used in Materials as well as their importance as it relates to Blueprints (e.g. making objects face the player, checking if players are looking towards something or finding out how far the player is from an object).


The Math_Hall map inside the Content Examples project aims to give you more of an understanding of how math is used within Unreal Engine 4 inside of Blueprints and Materials.

The first section entitled Functions, covers Math and Material Functions (left side of the wall) and example usage cases (right side of the wall). This section is excellent for learning more about blending Materials as well as how logic can be applied to Materials to create events like rippling water or bouncing balls entirely inside the Material Editor.

The second section covers Vector Math and describes the various types of Vectors and how they are used in Materials as well as their importance as it relates to Blueprints (e.g. making objects face the player, checking if players are looking towards something or finding out how far the player is from an object).


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